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甚麼是腹腔內的化學治療(intraperitoneal chemotherapy)?











由此可知,腹腔內的化學治療必須經由手術的方式來達成,也就是說必須由外科醫師來施行。但是了解腹腔內化學治療的方式及方法的外科醫師相當少,懂得施行腫瘤減量手術及腹膜剝離術以及熱化療的醫師更少,而且有熱化療設備的醫院更少,最後的結果是,有能力施行腹腔內的化學治療的醫師人數寥寥可數。 我在這裡提出這個觀念,希望多數外科醫師及腫瘤科醫師爲病患著想。當病患還有機會施行這樣的合併治療方式時,不妨請病患家屬前來諮詢。









這裡所稱的熱療法並非一般坊間所稱的熱療(例如非侵襲性的遠紅外線),而是高侵襲性的腹腔內熱療法。熱療法目前並沒有統一的名詞,最常稱為hyperthermia,但是這樣很籠統,應該再加註方式,例如regional(局部性),systemic(全身性),intraperitoneal(腹腔內),intraoperative(手術中),以及是否合併chemotherapy(化學治療)。因此美國華盛頓DC 的Medstar Hospital的Sugarbaker醫師(腹腔熱化療的先鋒)以前喜歡稱為 Heated Intraoperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy(簡稱HIIC),有人喜歡稱為 hyperthermo-chemotherapy,日本則普遍稱為 Continuous Hyperthermic Peritoneal Perfusion(簡稱CHPP),或稱為 Chemo-hyperthermic Peritoneal Perfusion(還是簡稱CHPP),有人就乾脆分開稱為intraoperative intraperitoneal hyperthermia with chemotherapy。在中國大陸則稱為熱灌注治療,或灌注熱療(參考。

HIPEC(Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy)是目前腹腔熱化療的統一名稱,於專業醫療期刊進行搜索HIPEC時,可發現大量發表的論文。 HIPEC的治療對象是腹腔內腹膜表面廣泛瀰漫性的癌轉移,目前也只有這個治療方式。對於深層的局部侵犯性癌症,例如前列腺癌、膀胱癌、子宮頸癌等等,則必須利用深部電磁波的聚焦加熱來治療,請參考萬芳醫院熱療中心的BSD-2000。







What is HIPEC (hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy)?
Hyperthermic chemotherapy, is a chemotherapy performed under elevated temperature. HIPEC, is a chemotherapy performed within the peritoneal cavity under elevated temperature, by adding heated solution and chemotherapeutic agents.

What is ascites?
In normal condition, the abdominal cavity creates (secrets) a little amount of fluid and absorbs it, makes a balance. Usually, there are 50ml to 100ml of fluid in the abdominal cavity. If there can not reach a balance, for example, secretion is faster than absorption, the fluid accumulates and forms ascites. Many different intra-abdominal cancers all cause ascites.


What is peritoneum?
All organs within the abdominal cavity (also called peritoneal cavity) including the stomach, colon, small bowel, liver, gallbladder, bile duct, ovary, uterus, urinary bladder and the surface of the abdominal wall, are covered by a thin layer of serosa tissue, we call it peritoneum. The visceral peritoneum covers the organs, and the parietal peritoneum covers the abdominal wall. Because this peritoneum, the organs move between each other without resistance. The peritoneum absorbs fluid and substances in fluid, and also secrete fluid. The substance dissolved in the fluid can be absorbed by the peritoneum and into the small blood vessels (capillaries), but the substance that can not be dissolved in the fluid is “swallowed” by phagocytes and then bring into the lymphatics. The capability of absorption by peritoneum differs in different part of peritoneum. Usually, the absorption is fast in the upper abdomen due to large area of organ surface and the respiratory movement. In case there are floating cancer cells within the ascites, they are “swallowed” by phagocytes (but usually not dead) and then were attached at the surface of the peritoneum. Then cancer cells grow here and form peritoneal metastasis.

What is intraperitoneal chemotherapy?
Usually, we give chemotherapy drugs into the blood vessels (systemic chemotherapy), and the drugs were brought by blood stream and distributed to every part of the body. Unfortunately, there are two major unwanted defects.

1, The chemotherapy drugs go with blood to the whole body, but its penetration through the peritoneum into the peritoneal cavity is very poor. The side effects caused by systemic chemotherapy are significant, and caused patient discomfort. In order to raise the drug concentration within the peritoneal cavity, we need higher drug dosage and higher drug concentration within the blood. Consequently, it causes more significant side effects to the patients. Patients can not tolerate the significant side effects under such a high dose of chemotherapy.

2. Since the drug concentration is low within the peritoneal cavity, once there are cancer cells within the peritoneal cavity, the cancer treatment result is poor. The cancers metastasize to the peritoneal cavity usually attach to the peritoneum, and expose most of the metastatic surface into the peritoneal cavity – that chemotherapy drugs can not reach.

Cancer cells metastasis within the peritoneal cavity (peritoneal metastasis) is frequently seen by digestive tract cancers (such as gastric cancer, small intestinal cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, appendiceal cancer, gallbladder cancer, pancreatric cancer) and ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer. In this condition, the results by conventional systemic chemotherapy are very poor.

Through a specific pathway, we deliver the chemotherapy drugs into the peritoneal cavity. We call it intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Because the drugs are injected into the peritoneal cavity directly, the drug concentration within the peritoneal cavity is very high. It means the drugs kill cancer cells effectively. At the same time, the drugs are absorbed through the peritoneum into the blood stream slowly. The drug concentration within the blood is very low and causes only slightly systemic side effects. By this way, intraperitoneal chemotherapy is considered as an ideal method to treat cancers with peritoneal metastasis.

Why intraperitoneal chemotherapy is not frequently applied by medical oncologists?
There are some difficulties when dealing with intraperitoneal chemotherapy.

1. The route of drug administration. The route is usually created by a surgical method.
2. Usually the drugs can not be distributed evenly within the peritoneal cavity. We need to make its distribution evenly, usually by manual method during the operation.
3. The drug penetration into the cancer site is still limited. Usually the depth of drug penetration is within 1-2mm. If the metastatic cancer lesion is larger than 2mm, the killing effect by drugs is limited. We need to remove large metastatic lesions by surgical method, the so called cytoreduction surgery and peritonectomy.
4. However, if the metastatic cancer lesions are located at a difficult site (i.e. very difficult to remove it by surgical method), we need to enhance the drug killing effect, by heating the intraperitoneal fluid. Under heating condition, the depth of drug penetration can be enhanced to 3-5mm.

Eventually, intraperitoneal chemotherapy must be performed by a surgical method, and by surgeons. However, there are only a few surgeons understanding intraperitoneal chemotherapy, cytoreduction surgery and peritonectomy. Furthermore, there are only few hospitals own heating equipment. In many conditions, we need multimodality of cancer treatment, cooperated by surgeons and medical oncologists. In some selected cases, the peritoneal metastasis can be effectively treated.


Why treatment in heating ?
There are many benefits using elevated temperature to treat peritoneal tumors or peritoneal metastatic cancers.

1. Some chemotherapeutic agents kill cancer cells more efficiently in higher temperature than in normal temperature.
2. The chemotherapeutic agents penetrate tissue deeper in higher temperature than in normal temperature.
3. Elevated temperature kills cancer cells (cancer cells are heat-intolerance).

HIPEC treats cancers during the operation, in the peritoneal cavity, using heated solution with chemotherapy drugs. By this method, we can use high concentration of chemotherapy drugs to kill cancer cells. Under the conditions of elevated temperature and increased drug concentration, the killing effect to cancer cells will be significantly enhanced. Instead of intraoperative HIPEC, if we perform HIPEC at several days after the operation, there will be intraperitoneal adhesions that prevent direct effect between chemotherapy drugs and cancer cells (though we can still apply intraperitoneal chemotherapy before or after operations using some combined methods). Recently, there are more and more heating treatments applied to cancer therapies, and becomes a cancer therapy beside surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, target therapy and immunotherapy. Heat therapy is gradually accepted in a medical field, however, it is still not well understood by many physicians. The intraperitoneal heat treatment (hyperthermic treatment) is different from the usual heating that causes warming effect only, such as infrared. Previously, it was called hyperthermia, and could be regional, systemic, intraperitoneal, intraoperative, or even combined with chemotherapy. Dr. Sugarbaker (Medstar Hospital, Washington D.C.), a pioneer of HIPEC, used to call it Heated Intraoperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIIC), or hyperthermo-chemotherapy. In Japan, it was called CHPP (Continuous Hyperthermic Peritoneal Perfusion, or Chemo-hyperthermic Peritoneal Perfusion). No matter what we called it, it is a procedure of intraoperative intraperitoneal hyperthermia with chemotherapy.

Now, the term HIPEC (Hyperthermic IntraPeritoneal Chemotherapy), is accepted worldwide and is indexed in the medical journals.

Within the abdominal cavity, the tumors located at the peritoneal surface, can be treated by HIPEC, and is the only effective method at the present except surgical resection. Other locally deep seated invasive tumors, such as cancers of prostate, urinary bladder, uterine cervix, can not be treated by HIPEC, and must be managed by other type of heating. BSD-2000 in Wan-Fang Hospital is utilized for these types of malignancies.


How does heat treat cancers?
In human body, there will be some responses when temperature is elevated, such as dilatation of capillaries, increasing breathing rate, increasing heart rate, and increasing cardiac pumping volumes in order to dissipate the heat. At the same time, the elevated temperature causes increased intracellular metabolism, increased cellular demand of oxygen, and depletion of cellular energy (which is supplied by ATP), increased amount of intracellular metabolic wastes. These cellular physiological changes are usually handled by normal human body physiological changes.
However, the responses to elevated temperature in cancer tissues are not so efficiently as in normal human tissues. The blood vessel distributions in cancer tissues are not well organized, and there will be no significant change on blood circulation. This causes heat dissipation is poorer in cancer tissue than in normal human tissue.
As a result, when there is only mild elevation of temperature, and when it persists for a period of time (for example, 60 minutes), the heat is accumulated in cancer tissue, but is dissipated in normal human tissue. The temperature in cancer tissue will be higher than in normal human tissue. The oxygen and energy in cancer cells are depleted, the metabolic wastes are accumulated in the cancer cells, make acidity of microenvironment, protein denaturization, DNA and RNA destruction, and finally causing cell death.








不論是哪一種的熱療法,目前都仍然不建議使用在兒童身上。如果有其必要性, 必須要有更嚴格的評估條件。








腫瘤減量手術(cytoreduction surgery)


腹膜的癌轉移(peritoneal metastasis)
在1980年代開始施行腹腔內的化學治療,並且在一些病人身上顯示成果。目前這樣的治療方式在全世界許多醫學中心正在嘗試著。甚至在手術當中給予手術中腹腔熱化療,更提供了病人另外一種治療方式。不但如此,再加上腹膜剝離手術以及手術後腹腔內的化學治療,更可以讓一些病人達到長期存活的狀況。我們曾經使用這樣的方式治療一些被認為是末期的病人,而目前這些病人都無復發的跡象。雖然這種合併的治療方式是非常積極的而且有高危險性的,但是經過適當評估及術前準備以後,多數病人都能夠承受起這些合併治療的步驟。雖然仍然有一些手術引起的併發症,但是都可以經由特殊的外科醫師來處理這些併發狀況。 致於使用何種藥物將依腹腔內的腫瘤形態來決定。在術後的追蹤上,生活品質的研究顯示,有大部分的人都可以恢復到日常生活,甚至有許多病人可以回到工作崗位,有些病患甚至達到長期的存活。








What cancers can be treated by hyperthermia?
Theoretically, any solid malignant tumors responsive to heat can be treated by hyperthermia. However, if surgical removal is feasible, it should be treated by surgical resection. Hyperthermic therapy should be reserved for those cancers that surgical resection is impossible. Malignant tumors involving the brain, bone, throat, thyroid, lung, liver, pancreas, colon, stomach, ovary, uterus, prostate and skin, if only there is an adequate method, can be treated by hyperthermic therapy.
Due to technical reasons, the above mentioned malignant tumor should be treated by different methods of hyperthermic therapy.

Why we still need chemotherapy in addition to hyperthermic therapy?
Heat per se causes tumor destruction and necrosis. Many medical researches indicate that, when combining hyperthermic therapy (such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy), the treatment effect will be enhanced significantly. Furthermore, up to two or three folds of therapeutic effect is seen by chemotherapy with hyperthermia.


When should be hyperthermic therapy applied during cancer treatment?
It is the same as usual cancer treatment, hyperthermic therapy should be initiated as early as possible. For gastric cancer as an instance in Wan-Fang Hospital, we performed radical gastrectomy first and then followed by HIPEC immediately to treat the metastatic peritoneal lesions.
Sometimes, we performed a neoadjuvant HIPEC (HIPEC before surgery) first, followed by scheduled chemotherapy (either systemic or intraperitoneal chemotherapy). After the cancer shrink to some degree, then surgery was performed with HIPEC again. It is now considered as an alternative method for some cases with far advanced intraperitoneal metastasis.
As the concept changes with time, in those cases with high risk of peritoneal metastasis, we gave prophylactic HIPEC.


Are there any patient selection criteria to receive hyperthermic therapy?
There is no specific limitations to those received local hyperthermic therapy. However, if the hyperthermic therapy that will change the systemic reaction, such as extracorporeal hyperthermic perfusion, or HIPEC in Wan-Fang Hospital, will causes rise of body temperature, increasing heart beats, and increasing urine output. We will evaluate the heart, lung and renal functions as well as usual daily activities.
Children is not suggested for hyperthermic therapy at the present. If needed, it should be critically evaluated.


How many days of hospital stay after HIPEC?
It depends on different cancers and different hyperthermic method. At Wan-Fang Hospital, HIPEC is usually performed during the operation. Some selected cases with receive intraperitoneal chemotherapy immediately after surgery. In a simple case, the hospital stay will be 5 to 7 days for recovery. However, most of the cases are complicated, received complicated surgical procedures, and need longer postoperative hospital stay. It may need two to three weeks for recovery staying in the hospital. If any complication developed after the surgery, the hospital stay will by much longer.
We now performing different kinds of hyperthermic therapies. For laparoscopic HIPEC, the postoperative recovery is very soon and the hospital stay is usually shorter than 5 days.


Will hyperthermic therapy change our immune responses?
There is no any medical evidence of changes in immune response caused by local hyperthermic therapy. HIPEC in Wan-Fang Hospital, will cause limited destruction of immune cells. We always keep monitoring it and correct it if indicated. On the contrary, elevated temperature will enhance immune response. Leukopenia after HIPEC is caused by chemotherapy, not by HIPEC.


What is the temperature for hyperthermic therapy?
The temperature applied for hyperthermic therapy can not be too high. High temperature also causes human tissue necrosis. We apply a persisted moderate-high temperature. That will cause a temperature difference between the cancer cells and normal tissue and consequently causing cancer necrosis (please refer to a previous section). In Wan-Fang Hospital, we use HIPEC at a temperature between 42 to 43°C and keep it for one to two hours. The patient receives HIPEC under general anesthesia and feels no pain at all.


Cytoreduction Surgery
Cytoreduction surgery is a term describing aggressive removal or destruction of visible tumors. We use different devices and techniques to perform it, including SonoSurg®, Ligasure®, or argon beam laser. The surgical result is closely related to the completeness of cytoreduction. The smaller tumors remaining after cytoreduction surgery, the better response to HIPEC. For advanced peritoneal metastasis, cytoreduction surgery is a complicated surgery and a time-consuming surgery. It usually takes more than 10 hours. Sometimes, we need to remove a part of small intestine, colon or rectum, stomach, spleen, and many other intraperitoneal organs, even to create a colostomy or intestinal ostomy, in order to complete a cytoreduction surgery. HIPEC (causes some degree of tissue burn injury) will be applied immediately after cytoreduction surgery during the operation. All these conditions cause patient weakness and the postoperative complication rate is usually higher than the usual major surgeries. This complicated as well as high risk surgery also causes surgeons exhausted after surgery. This may explain why there are only few surgeons will (and can) do the surgery. The extent of surgery will be depended on the tumor location, extensiveness, and postoperative life quality.


Peritoneal Metastasis
In some occasions, cancer cells within the peritoneal cavity do not invade into the intra-peritoneal solid organs at the beginning. They detach from the primary cancer site and drop into the peritoneal cavity. Some keep freely in the peritoneal cavity, and some attach to the peritoneum, grow on peritoneum and keep progression. After a period of time, these cancers also invade into these solid organs. In cancers originated from the digestive tract (such as the stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, appendix, pancreas, gallbladder), ovary and endometrium, peritoneal metastasis is very common. Some cancers originated from the peritoneum per se, and is called primary peritoneal cancer.
The prognosis of peritoneal metastasis is very poor. However, it probably is limited within the peritoneal cavity, and invades peritoneal surface only. In this situation, I is a kind of regional metastasis, not a systemic metastasis. It is the reason why it can be treated by surgical methods to remove the gross (macroscopic) tumors.
In the past, peritoneal metastasis was considered as a terminal stage and most oncologists gave supportive treatment only. These patients appeared as ascites, intestinal obstruction, starvation and abdominal pain. If not treated appropriately, patients diagnosed as peritoneal metastasis, usually died within a short time. In our experiences, there were 6 to 7 months to live, usually 3 months only. Aggressive cytoreduction surgery (CRS) revealed its benefits in these patients, no matter following chemotherapy or not.
Intraperitoneal (IP) chemotherapy was started since 1980s and revealed positive results in some patients. Nowadays, many medical centers are doing IP chemotherapy in the world. HIPEC performed during operation, is a kind of IP chemotherapy. We treated some “terminal” patients by CRS plus peritonectomy plus HIPEC plus postoperative IP chemotherapy with encouraging results. Some of these patients survived for many years, and some even without any evidence of recurrence.
This is an aggressive and combined treatment method, though with high risk, most of the patients can tolerate it with adequate evaluation and preoperative preparations. Though there were still surgical complications, most of them could be managed by surgeons.
The applied chemotherapeutic drugs depend on the cancer types. In the follow up of life quality, most of these patients returned to their daily activities, some of them even returned to their works. Some of these patients get long term survived.


Peritonectomy is a part of cytoreduction surgery (CRS), it means removal of the peritoneum. There are usually multiple intra-peritoneal metastatic lesions, attaching on the surface of the peritoneum, sometimes hundreds. It is very difficult and impossible to remove them one by one. Furthermore, there are still multiple microscopic metastatic lesions attaching on the peritoneum. To remove them as possible, it is better to remove them with the peritoneum together, the so called “peritonectomy”. The peritoneum covers the whole peritoneal cavity, including the whole surface of the intra-peritoneal organs. If the metastatic lesion invades into the organ, especially the intestines, we have to remove them with resection of the intestines. If all the intestines are involved by the metastatic lesions, since it is impossible to remove all of the intestines, we can not achieve an adequate cytoreduction.
The remaining microscopic cancer lesions, since we can not see them, so we can not (do not know where to) remove them. Fortunately, these microscopic lesions can be treated by HIPEC.


Seeding of intra-peritoneal metastasis
Cancer cells detach and drop away from the primary cancer site when they contact and rub with other intra-peritoneal organs. Those detached cancer cells drop to everywhere within the peritoneal cavity, implant to the peritoneum and then start to grow, progress to form another significant cancer lesion. This way of cancer spreading is just like seeding and we call it peritoneal seeding.
Sometimes, cancers metastasize to other place through blood stream, the so called hematogenous metastasis. Hematogenous metastasis is considered as a systemic metastasis and the prognosis is poor, because it is impossible to cure it by surgical resection.
Peritoneal seeding was considered impossible to cure, because it involved diffuse peritoneal surface, and in many occasions the surgeons will give up surgical removal of the cancers. It was impossible to remove all of the cancers and was impossible to eradicate the microscopic cancers. However, now we combine cytoreduction surgery(CRS), peritonectomy and HIPEC to approach the intent of cure.


Can hyperthermic chemotherapy also applied in chest cavity?
Yes, we also applied it to the chest cavity (thoracic cavity, pleural cavity). It can be applied to treat pleural mesothelioma, thyroid cancer, and a small portion of lung cancer. In addition, when cancers originated from other sites metastasis to the pleural cavity (but not lung), it will cause pleural effusion. It is the so-called malignant pleural effusion. At the present, we only applied it to treat the malignant pleural effusion after intra-thoracic CRS. The initial result is comparable to HIPEC. There is no unique term for it, and now we call it HITHOC (Hyperthermic Intra-Thoracic Chemotherapy). As we treated peritoneal mesothelioma with a good result, we can also expect the good result from pleural mesothelioma.

更新日期 (Update on)  2020-03-08           08:00-17:00  *** Tel: (02)29307930 分機: 8104 許秘書 *** (+886)229307930 Ext. 8104 Miss Hsu ******